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A Brief History of the NAF 


The Naga American Foundation has its early beginnings in the 1980s, when a group of Naga friends started discussions about

getting together and forming an organization.


The first Naga gathering took place in the summer of 1989, in Milford, Pennsylvania, hosted by Dr. and Mrs. Aryo Shishak. About fifty-five individuals from all over the United States attended this meeting. Intense discussions regarding the nature of the organization and its purpose resulted in the decision that it would be a social and cultural organization whose aims and objects would be:


  • Advancement of Naga people in the USA.

  • Promotion of their common interests and provision of charitable, educational, and cultural support.


A second meeting took place in 1990, in Denver, Colorado, hosted by Dr. and Mrs. Zimik Luithuk. It was decided to get the organization formally established and registered. Extensive ground work, time, and contributions by the founding members resulted in the organization being formally incorporated in April, 1991, as a non-stock, non-profit corporation registered with the State of Kentucky. The Foundation has also attained tax exempt status under Section 501 (c) (03) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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